TJ Prep Blog

Dr. Tripathi shares his experience from 28 years of TJ Prep success. During this time he has seen and adapted to many changes in the TJ admission process. Crucial requirements for success on the new TJHSST (TJ) admission policy are discussed.

Shaping Your TJ Prep Expectations

Before you can reach your true potential on the TJ test, you must have a clear understanding of the test. Specifically, you cannot be guided by TJ prep lore or hearsay.  You must realize that the TJ test cannot contain questions which are substantially beyond the junior high school curriculum. If you can do well in school, with adequate preparation, you can certainly do well on the TJ test as well. To find out about specific facts and myths about the the TJ test and the TJ prep read here. If you have questions about TJ prep or if you wish to discuss certain facts or myths in detail please comment below.